Tegel Design

Tour summary, why weld? does simple= genius? …. read on and find out

We recently had guests from South America and Europe.  After a holistic tour was almost over I was interrupted,  an interesting discussion developed.    The European guest stated excitedly, “you just showed me many examples of weld-less construction”.  He had seen an in depth show about how a senior aircraft engineer had the focused charter to attempt to eliminate every weld possible.  Quite the endeavor indeed as most can imagine.  “How is it that right here  you found the motive to do the same with industrial equipment?”  My response was simple from welding actively for many years.  Welding is expensive in many ways, welders have to have elaborate gear and gloves make it difficult to manipulate loose parts.  Vision is greatly obstructed during welding, and mistakes are tough to fix.  Welding as a discipline is difficult to master, so eliminate it.  Reducing welds allow a company to level work loads.  A weld is a tough process to control, and often has environmental impact.


Above is the welded collection of my Father’s tools, our beloved Tebot.  The tools are much more valued as amalgamate. The second half of the story was about having to answer the South American’s question about simplicity.  “How do you get paid, this is all so simple, none of this is obvious until explained”.  “Wow, genius is simple, what’s the right price?”  This was certainly appreciated and it truly is a challenge to get compensated in a proportionate manner when the application of talent-experience produced such fruitful results.  To get compensated properly is when clients return with new funded opportunities. Clients often learn at a later date how valuable an investment would have led to mutual benefits.  We are passionate tour hosts and enjoy validation of our efforts from our distinguished guests, that is the ultimate compensation we receive.

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